sample reading lesson plan 4th 5th grade

Sample Reading Lesson Plan for Fourth and Fifth Grade (#1)

Based on the Go for the Gold book series

Grades: Fourth grade, Fifth grade

Overview: This lesson uses the Winter 2018 Olympics to engage students to imitate what Olympic-caliber athletes do over and over: prepare, practice, and perform.


  • White board and markers for each student
  • A collection of Olympic pictures
  • Library books about Olympic athletes
  • Sports items, and anything else Olympic related you have available

Lesson-Specific Vocabulary Concepts:

  • Syllabication: contestant, nationality, participant, preliminary, spectator, stamina, sportsmanship, endurance, competitor
  • Homophones/homonyms: sponsor, vault, defeat, substitute, tire, jump
  • Blends/vowel study: venue, victory, opponent, synchronized, referee, alpine, podium
  • Rhyming: medal, standing, Nordic
  • Compound words: underdog, freestyle

Preparation: Place the materials on a table to engage students’ interest in the lesson.

Instructions for Conducting the Lesson:


What to do

Component Addressed


Group students by two or threes. Ask students to choose an item and explain to their partner or group why they chose it. Listen in while they are explaining and make sure everyone gets a chance to speak.

Oral Language Development


Give students a white board and marker. For two minutes, students write or draw everything that comes to mind when they hear the word “Olympics.”



Have all students put their white boards down and do a gallery walk. They will look at their peers’ work, read what other students wrote, and find something to compliment about it. If there are questions, the student who wrote on the white board will answer. (This is where the teacher looks and listens closely at the vocabulary use and spelling that can be embedded throughout the lesson.)

Oral Language Development, Comprehension


Explain that all Olympic athletes must prepare, practice, and perform. Although you won’t be asking them to figure skate today, at the end of this lesson they will be performing, so preparation and practice must come first. Explain that they are going to create and read some Olympic onomatopoeic couplets for their performance.

Comprehension, Vocabulary


Write the words “onomatopoeia” and “onomatopoeic” on the board and explain what they mean and how to pronounce them. Have students practice chorally saying the two words, slowly at first, then faster and faster. Guide the students through brainstorming examples (e.g., bees that buzz, clicking of the keyboard, baby’s burp). Finally, list examples that would be associated with the Olympics (e.g., zoom, swish, bang, clap, bump, clatter, cough, crackling, fizzed, flush) Discuss the meanings of those words. Then choose 3–5 of the vocabulary words (let students choose). Practice correct pronunciation and discuss the meanings.

Vocabulary, Phonics, Phonemic Awareness, Comprehension, Oral language development


As a class, create some two-line rhyming couplets using some of the words you have been studying. Write the couplets for all to see on the board and have students write on their whiteboards.


Out of the starting gates with a swish and a zoom,
The ski jumper lands but a fall gives him gloom.

The clouds rumbled and the winds gave a hiss,
But the skiers, no gates did they miss.

Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, Vocabulary


As a group practice choral reading the couplets. Then have students’ practice echo reading. Finally, have each student perform a reading out load for the group. Discuss what kind of simple scoring system could be created (pronunciation, tempo, loudness, style), and if desired, you could give scores.

Fluency, Phonics, Oral Language Development, Vocabulary


Summarize the main events of the lesson, asking students to share what they prepared, practiced, and performed. End with a round of applause for all the reading athletes.

Oral Language Development, Comprehension

Starter Discussion Questions


Bloom’s Level / DOK Level

What do you already know about the Olympics?

Remember / Recall & Reproduction

What are the similarities and differences between winter and summer Olympics?

Understand / Recall & Reproduction

What are the differences and similarities between a snow boarder and a skier?

Apply, Analyze / Skill & Concept, Strategic Thinking

What are the benefits of practice for Olympic athletes?

Analyze / Strategic Thinking

Who do you consider to be the best athlete from the USA going to the Olympics? Why?

Evaluate / Extended Thinking

What is a new winter sport you would like to try?

Create / Extended Thinking